func map[S, T](parser: Parser[S]; f: S -> T): Parser[T] {...}{.inline.}
Apply a function to the result of a Parser.
This is required in "functor" parsing.
Source Edit func `<*>`[S, T](parser0: Parser[proc (i0: S): T]; parser1: Parser[S]): Parser[T] {...}{. inline.}
Apply the function parsed by a Parser to the result of another Parser.
This is required in applicative parsing.
Source Edit func str(s: string; t = ""): Parser[string] {...}{.inline, raises: [], tags: [].}
Build a Parser that consumes a given string if present.
This function is called string in Parsec, but this conflicts with the type string in Nim.
Source Edit
Parser, ParseResult, identity, compose, optional, anyChar, between, ch, satisfy, skip, satisfyWith, peekCh, peekChF, sepBy, sepBy1, many, many1, notChar, <|>, <$, <*, *>, liftA2, pure, pure, eof, flatMap, >>, $, debugParse, parse, parse, atEnd, getPosition, attempt, <?>, choice, option, manyTill, skipMany, skipMany1, count, match, inClass, notInClass, oneOf, noneOf, space, spaces, newline, crlf, endOfLine